
Stem Cells

Like Thew, I have a pretty hard time getting worked up over "destruction of stem cells = killing." I simply do not believe it is.

I understand the argument that "life begins at conception." I am even sympathetic to it. But I believe that is a political position, not a scientific or even religious one. For example, take a person who has just died. How is that clump of cells different then a blastcyst? If you said that the difference is that is can become a person or has potential to be a person, then you admit my point: it is not YET a person. Death clearly delineates when the body ceases to be person, but when does a body become a person? The body performs functions after death, so the presence of living human cells simply does not qualify.

What is not arguable is the potential stem cells have for helping others. At some point, this may be just another miracle that did not pan out, but right now, the potential impact is incredible. (I can see my grandkids [yet borne] saying, "you mean that some had to donate a kidney?")

I also don't buy the mad scientist crap. In every human endeavor, there are those who seek to exploit or profit or produce harm. That is okay. Or at least it is not a reason to stop progress.

Of course, it begs the question, if the soul of a person does not start upon conception, when does it? The heart's first beat? Self-awareness? Viability? I will not offer my opinion right now.

I will also admit the President Bush does not mean to ban research on stem cells, he is limiting federal funding for research on stem cells. I agree with this, not from a moral point of view, but from a "small government is better government" point of view. Let's face it, if the private sector does not think that stem cell research has potential (medical or economic) then there is a fair chance it does not.

I am willing to trust the capitalists on this.

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