
Out with A Whimper?

According to an article on ESPN, two Duke lacrosse players have admitted that there was a heated dispute and racial slurs were used. But they deny a rape occurred. But that's not the interesting part...

The father of the accused says she is considering dropping the case. If these kids are guilty, I hope she keeps going for the sake of all rape victims. But there are other ways for her to get "justice." It does seem to me that dropping the criminal case and pursuing a civil suit against DUKE is where the real money is. The facts, as we know them, certainly support a civil suit for her (and the 2nd stripper) and the last thing Duke needs is additional publicity, so they will cave like a card house.

Quite frankly, ASSUMING THERE WAS NO RAPE, a large monetary award from Duke acting in loco parentis is the best possible outcome. It seems to me that the lacrosse team's behavior merits some "punishment," but while punishing the players might give some short term benefits, punishing the university sends a broader message. Let's face it: Duke was forewarned about the teams behavior and while I am normally against "awards that send a message" this seems to be an appropriate case.

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