
Back from the Weekend

Today we mourn the passing of the "Crocodile Hunter", Steve Irwin. A wildlife ambassador and Australian icon, Steve was filming a special when, while swimming above a stingray of average size, he was stung by the barbed tail directly in the chest, and ultimately, in the heart. Resources were unable to save him. Steve was a character, known for saying things like "CRIKEY!" and "isn't she a byooootee!". He seemed fearless around predators and poisonous reptiles, but actually his knowledge and fear gave him the ability to interact with them and not get hurt. His death was the result of a freak accident (the stingray could have hit him anywhere but right in the heart, and stingray stings, while VERY painful, are almost always non-lethal) and shows that no one can preduct wildlife and what spooks them or sets them off. But the world is a lesser place for his passing, although he died doing what he loved most. He leaves behind a wife and young child. Our condolences and prayers are with them in their time of loss.

In the world of sports...

Tiger won his 5th in a row by shooting a reality busting 63 in the final round, head to head against Vijay. Oh how I love to see Vijay lose, especially by getting his ass SPANKED by a better golfer. Hopefully this will go a long way to shutting him up.

Speaking of Tiger, where's Phil been? Haven't heard much of a peep from him...

I posted his requiem earlier, but my final farewell to Andre Agassi, who was ousted in his swan song at the US Open. We'll miss you - but you lucky dog, you get to bone Steffi!

So the truth comes out about the World Cup. Materazzi said he didn't want the shirt off Zidane's back, he wanted his sister. Dunno, is she good looking? Is saying "I want her sister" like saying to Tiger "I want your wife's sister"? (for those of you who don't know, Elin has a TWIN!).

Someone wake up Thew, he's asleep on another long boring conference call...

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