
Gay in NJ

Gays made a huge step toward equal "marriage" rights in NJ yesterday with the NJ Supreme court ruling. Glenn Reynolds has a round-up.

My position is the same as InstaPundit's...to wit, the government should sanction the contract of the union between couples. I would further state that "marriage" is a sacrament under the province of religious authorities and no business of the government. I think the NJ opinion is conscience of this distinction, but the use of "equal protection" to grant these rights gives me the creeps.

To wit, there is not logical distinction between same sex couples and Oedipal/Electra couples or a brother/sister union. (I obviously believe there are distinctions between same sex couples and marrying a minor or other individual - or beast I guess - who does not have the legal capacity to consent to the marriage.) That is why this needs to be settled in the legislatures not the courts.

I think gays do a disservice to their cause by using the courts to attempt wholesale change. I think this is because they are ultimately trying to impose moral acceptance as well as legal acceptance. I think I am like a great many Americans: while I support gay rights, I find gay sex repulsive. Does that make me a bigot? Maybe. Should the gay community care. No.

It always seems to me the objective of the gay community is not support, but approval. I am sorry, but I don't. And if push comes to shove, they will get neither rather then both.

UPDATE: Count Taranto in. And the Chicago Tribune also. Why is this so hard??? (See prior paragraph.)

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