
In Bed with Fred

No, this is not a sordid follow-on to Thew's Porky's problems. While I happen to support Mitt Romney in the current field of Republican candidates, I do support the phantom candidacy of Fred Thompson. (See Donation Box on lower left.) I find I don't agree with him only a few issues (tort reform and campaign finance), but think he represents a different set of perspectives - perspectives needed in the GOP field.

The good news for the GOP is that all the front-runners - Giuliani, McCain and Romney - would make fine presidents, while only two Democrats - Clinton and Biden - would have that potential. (While I would not support Hillary, my gut feel is that she would do the right thing once she has no need to pander to the Far Left and would ultimately be a better president then Bill.)

The bad news is that the GOP I love stands for freedom (personal and economic) and SMALL government. None of the current Big Three has come out for decisively reducing the size of government. Fred has.

Of course, the last actor turned president didn't do half bad.

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