
Who's Responsible?

Okay, I am tremendously conflicted on this. Six teenagers hit a stalled train and the four in the back seat were killed. The father of one of the victims is very upset in the video. (He lost a niece also.)

How can I be conflicted? The drivers were 15, the victims were 14. It was 3:30 am. The vehicle was stolen.

I really feel for the guy's loss (nice Father's Day, huh), but he goes off on how the grade crossing was dangerous. Well, yes. ALL grade crossing are dangerous. The train was stalled, there were no lights; it was an accident waiting to happen.

But what the hell is his 14 year old doing out at 3:30 am? What prompted her to participate in the theft of a vehicle?

This was a tragedy of parenting as well as a tragic loss of life.

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