
Country Roads

So I have been relatively silent on the political train wreck that is the Democratic primary. But the West Virginia primary has held up for all the world to see the completely dishonest treatment of race in the Democratic party.

The fact that Obama takes 90+% of the black vote is the "audacity of hope."

The fact that Hillary takes 60+% of the white vote is racism.

Read that again and think about it.

Tony Blankley makes a great point: it is time to have an honest conversation about race. But an honest conversation will be a rough one. I am afraid this Presidential race will set back race relations because of white resentment to the way they are being treated. They are being treated differently than blacks - call it electoral affirmative action - and are a bit perturbed.

Now, my comment is that "don't take the NYTimes personally." They have anointed their candidate and, rather than waste gray matter analyzing Obama's possible problems with West Virginians (or anyone else for that matter), just charge racism and move on. Simple.

But Americans do take their elections more seriously than the NYTimes. Leadership matters. Character matters. Obama's background, chosen associations, lack of legislative experience are all issues that resonate. To the extent that being black matters, it has come to the forefront that there is a subcultural of black racism and anti-Americanism that is deeply offensive.

Now, to be clear, I do not believe that the VAST majority of blacks really agree with Reverend Wright, but "go along to get along" is not an acceptable excuse.

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