

Yuval Levin has one of the best pieces describing an agenda for conservatives that I have read in a long time.

It used to be, maybe only in some fictitious place in my mind, that conservatives believed in limited government. The "Reagan Revolution" was defined by fiscal and judicial restraint with a healthy dose of patriotism thrown in. (Reagan was NOT a social conservative in the mold of President Bush.) But beyond the rhetoric were concrete actions - cutting taxes; appointing conservative judges; rebuilding our military - that propelled the United States into a more stable and secure world position.

There is, I believe, shared national consensus that the federal government will be providing certain services, but the manner and level of intrusiveness is open for debate. Levin's proposal puts those issues front and center in a manner that draws clear distinctions between the parties and can serve as a rallying point for the down ticket.

Then, let the people choose.

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