
Good to Have You Back

Note to self: in a crisis, shoot Thew before he shoots you.

Seriously, I am sure the lovely Mrs. Thew is quite comforted by your words. At least she know why you would abandon her when the shit hits the fan.

Oh, maybe you were not talking about her. Surely, the precocious Thew children were covered by your "every man for himself" remark. Hmmmm. Maybe not?

In summary, you have got pretty much everything wrong in that post. Society, by definition cannot be base and selfish. Members of society certainly can, but we are all together because we, as individuals, recognize the benefit of working together. We recognize that there is a trade off between our own complete individual freedom (which would allow us to, say, kill the b*&%$ in the minivan/SUV talking on her cellphone and not paying attention) and others' complete individual freedom (which would allow them to toast me on those rare moments when I am driving and not paying attention).

Society can break down - it did in New Orleans (Firing guns at emergency personnel! For God's sake!) But even that was more than outweighed by the selflessness of hundred of individuals who helped directly and indirectly. Of course, if it bleeds - it leads. The MSM is not interested in showing the milk of human kindness, they are interested in blaming President Bush.

One fine point: it is wrong, but morally justifiable to steal necessities during an emergency. Food, water, diapers, batteries, even clothes, I understand. Big screen TVs? I don't think so.

Finally, I simply disagree with your fundamental assertion: society is getting worse. Society is getting better and better and better. We ARE improving as a nation. Sometimes we take a step back and, of course TV and the internet allows us to observe the seedier side, up close and personal. But I would take your average American today, then your average American from 1905 any day.

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