
My Brother's Keeper

We were driving home after dinner last night, our kids started discussing a few passages from the Old Testament. (We are not religious fanatics - it started when one of my sons said it would be cool to have a flaming sword like the angel guarding the Garden of Eden, which he remembered....how?)

One story that does always draws their curiosity is the story of Cain and Abel. Why bring this up? Well in all the commentary and blame and defensiveness surrounding Hurricane Katrina, it struck me that the one pearl of wisdom you could pass along to everyone is that "we are all our brother's keepers."

Given a tragedy, be it natural or man-made, the government will help...eventually. But be it an hour, a day, week or month, there will be a time before that organized help arrives. In that time, the fact remains that we are all dependent on our families, neighbors and fellow citizens for help. Conversely, we all must heed the call to help others.

When that bond fails, you have lawlessness, grief and violence. When it holds, you have heroism, comfort and hope.

The Mayor, Governor or President, no matter how powerful or prescient, can not help any of us then. At that moment, we need each other.

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