
The NFL Can Do No Wrong

Jeez. The NFL seems to get everything right, even scandals.

Last year, we saw the hoodlums of the NBA jump into the stands and start a fight with fans. David Stern tries to implement a dress code and there are shrieks and howls from the "gangsta wannabes" - they have NO interest in cleaning up their act.

This past summer, we were treated to the spectacle of baseball and steroids. Now Ugueth Urbina charged with attempted murder in Venezuela.

The NFL? Sex cruises and lesbian cheerleaders. (Or, if you are typical male sports fan, "blah, blah, blah and LESBIAN CHEERLEADERS!) The lovely Renee and Angela claim it was a case of mistaken identity. (Maybe they thought the bathroom of Banana Joe's was a cruise ship on Lake Minnetonka.) But considering the line that usually forms at the ladies room, I doubt there are not a few witnesses. Police report is here.

Unfortunately, I was not among them...

I hope the intrepid reporters of SI & ESPN stay on top of this story.

UPDATE: Penthouse is making an offer to the girls. (Link requires free registration.)

UPDATE 2: Renee Thomas is denying there was any sexual misconduct. Arghhh! Don't ruin it for the 100 million men who soooo want it to be true.

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