
Honey, I Forgot Our Anniversary

Thew and I have been blogging for over a year now. Funny, the anniversary of the start (9/30) and Thew's joining me (11/16) just kind of passed. Where's the cake?

Blogging has been fun and frustrating. I am a voracious reader of blogs despite the relatively short list on the left. My morning starts with a perusal of Instapundit, Power Line, Captain Ed, the Belmont Club, the Corner on NRO, Kaus, Malkin and Real Clear Politics. I make sure to catch Chris Muir first thing. I have also added Dilbert to the list for humor, though I do enjoy Scott Adams' take on things.

I also find myself reading blogs in spurts: Protein Wisdom's Martha Stewart's Diary in jail was one of the funniest things I have read period. LGF, VodkaPundit, Dan Drezner (Go UofC!) and Patterico are a few that I can find myself checking in on a lot depending on the issue.

There are some that have lost me. Andrew Sullivan being the most notable. What happened? Wonkette was funny for a while, but her humor got old.

Some old friends simply faded away... Steven de Beste and Michael King come to mind.

I don't blog as much as I want. The fact is, too many things are higher on the priority list, whether I want them to be or not. And I find that I lose interest in a topic after a bit of a delay. I also find that, for me, the back and forth rants with Thew are the most fun. The large philosophical posts are harder because I take the content seriously. (Who knows, Glenn might show some Insta-interest.) If I botch an NCAA post, I simply do not care.

Next week I will be down in Thewland seeing Thew, Mrs. Thew and the two Thewlets. The last time this happened was last year. Blogging has allowed us to stay in better touch and that ends up being the best reason to continue.

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