
Election 2006 Part IV

In 2000 (Gore, FL) and 2004 (Kerry, OH), the issue of voter fraud came up. The Democrats scream the loudest about the disenfranchisement of their constituencies, primarily the black vote. Unfortunately, many steps have been taken to try and correct this - most notably in the form of voter ID requirements. Oddly, not have passed because of the universal opposition...of the Democratic Party.

John Fund is very worried that we will not know the winners next Tuesday. Now comes word of indictments against ACORN for voter fraud.

Voter fraud is more common then the Legacy Media reports. It looks like it affected the Presidential vote in Milwaukee, Wisconsin in 2004 (making WI a Blue, not Red state) and the Washington state Governors race in 2004 also (giving the Democrat a victory). Notice the pattern? The perpetrators of fraud: Democratic operatives. There is a reason that the Democrats do not want voter ID laws - it would put a damper on coercive and fraudulent voting practices in the major cities. It is far better to contest an election in front of sympathetic, Democrat appointed judges.

There is vote tampering on both sides, but the only party that has been involved with wide-spread, systemic fraud on the state-wide or national level in the last 10 years are the Democrats.

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