
Darwinism at its Finest

Why do we continue to legislate against stupidity? Does the government feel THAT much responsible for saving us from ourselves? Read this article and see for yourself.

Now, while I really think that this accident was tragic, the young man in question is dead because he was stupid. Is it the manufacturer's fault? The bus driver's fault? Nope, the person was out in la-la land just rocking away and walked into the path of an oncoming bus. Why does the government continue to attempt to put into place completely useless and moronic laws like Mr Krueger wants to in order to protect society from the man in the mirror?

Some stupid old lady spills hot coffee on her lap and sues McDonald's? Cool, let's award her a buttload of cash and tell McDonald's to make their coffee colder. WHO IS THE IDIOT? The lady - sorry ma'am, but you're a moron. And McDonald's, not to mention society, shouldn't have to pay for your lack of intelligence.

I wish the government would keep outta this - if we're THAT stupid, then we deserve the consequences...

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