
Religion of Peace

James Cameron of Titanic fame is coming out with a documentary that says the bones of Jesus and his family have been discovered.

Does this remind anyone else of Geraldo and the vault of Al Capone? One thing for sure, Christians will not be rioting in the streets calling for fatwas against Cameron.

Now it is possible, but does not make sense to me. After his very public ministry, Jesus did what? Retire? Marry and have a child? In obscurity? All these family members buried at various times and it never came up? Okay, I am willing to believe that Jesus did not matter to the Romans, but the Jews failed to mention it to the early converts? He was buried in Jerusalem for goodness sakes.

But I will TiVo it, so Cameron scores one I guess...

UPDATE: Or maybe not. Maybe there is a reason this has not sparked serious interest before.

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