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I finally saw Star Wars

Good movie. I was, in fact, a bit disappointed by the true reason for Anakin's turn to the dark side (to save Padme from death during childbirth), but if you follow the plot of episodes 1 & 2, you'll see that Anakin is very much ruled by emotions, which isn't good for a jedi. His emotional frailty allows him to be manipulated by Darth Sidious into swapping sides. The interesting conundrum here is that Anakin moves to the dark side to save Padme from death, yet Padme dies because she "loses the will to live" because Anakin has turned to the dark side. Nice loop. Some more musings on the movie:

- Darth Vader did NOT "kill all the jedi's" as was mentioned several times in other episodes. The renegade (order 66) storm troopers did the killing.
- I was SO glad that Mace Windu got whacked. Samuel L Jackson's portrayal of the Jedi master was as wooden as a baseball bat (although not as interesting).
- the lightsabre battles were TOP NOTCH.
- interesting how Anakin complete catches on fire but then flames out after he's burned badly enough. I thought clothes (and flesh) just continue to burn.
- Anakin loses half of both legs and half of his other arm...a true cyborg now.
- there is a HUGE hole between episode3 and episode4, but oh well, we'll have to take it on faith - although I'd LOVE to see a Han Solo/Chewbacca based movie to fill in the gaps of their adventures.

All in all, it was a good ending to the "trilogy", but it still left me somewhat unsatisfied. Is that because there are still some questions and that long gap in time, or is it because I've come to expect so much from George Lucas? Not sure...


The Yankees are the most talented lineup in MLB, but they are not the best TEAM. And they are playing like it.

Singularity...god, the good lord must be coming soon, since I agree with Tilam yet again. The idea of a singularity is silly, to me. Advances in technology cannot occur "too fast for us to understand or predict", aren't we the ones making those advances? Are they saying that we are reinventing the wheel without having a clue as to what we are doing? What is this, 10 monkeys around a typewriter banging away, only to come up with "War and Peace"? I disagree - mankind might not be able to predict coming advances in technology to some degree, but truly, any advance we make is because we understand and cognitively pursue that advance. Also, computers are able to out-think mankind in terms of speed, but they will NEVER reach the depths of the human mind unless we can program emotion and feeling into them. Sure, a computer can figure out what 2375 / 47 is MUCH quicker than I can, but it'll never understand the MEANING of that answer, if such is the case. Any reasoning based on logic and hard black/white fact can be passed through a computer to get the same answer as a human, albeit much faster. But to ask a computer a question that requires emotion and intuition and Tilam's "fuzzy logic" is like trying to reason with a Paris Hilton - all you'll get is a blank stare. :)

Annika...nuff said. :)

And finally, atheletes who should just "give up the comeback, yer too old to play":

Martina Navratilova
Deion Sanders
Ricky Henderson
Oil Can Boyd

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