
The difference between MEN and boys

The TPC at Sugarloaf, site of the BellSouth classic, was my last stomping grounds to test my golf game. Mind you, although we all struggle at times with golf (or tennis, whatever), on the whole, I am a solid 3 handicapper and have recorded 4 rounds underpar, my lowest being a 3 under (one 68 and one 69). I play top notch clubs, a nice little right to left draw off the tee, and average around 260 with the big dog.

But I got my ass handed to me...granted, I have been fighting my swing the last couple of months, with ascending scores of 73-73-76-78-80-81. Frustrating as all hell, but I saw the light yesterday at Sugarloaf. However, let me tell you the difference between public (even private) courses and professional venues. If you miss by a little (the amateur version of little), you take it on the chin. Hard. But the BIG/HUGE/MONUMENTOUS difference is the greens. Slicker than ice in Norway, hidden breaks, nasty pin positions, you find NONE of this sort of stuff on the cow pastures we call our local publinks. And while you're working at your 9-5 job, that course is out there practicing every day, waiting for you. I shot an 85. Two 3-jacks, a snowman, another triple, 5 lipped out par putts (the kind that drop on YOUR course), and the sort of humbling you only receive on fraternity initiation night. Granted, I almost drove the 295 yard 13th hole uphill, and I played the closing 18th hole perfectly, the first 13/14 holes were just ugly. It's a great course, one I'd like to take on with my normal/A game, but yesterday, I ripe for the pluckin...score one for the course. :(

I DOES get a little better than that, but it's all a matter of perspective - having a cold Coke (beer?) with my 11 year old son after 18 holes, overlooking the 18th green, is nirvana for me.

Bernie Ecclestone is yet another example of high powered owners leaders who have no frikkin common sense, and never keep their mouth shut. Jimmy the Greek? Al Campanis? Marge Schott? Welcome to the club asswipe. Yet another prejudiced, misogynistic, butthead in a position of high power. Will they never learn. Don't get me wrong, I'd like to dress Danica in something white, like a linen nightie, but I can't see myself playing "open the microwave and turn up the oven baby". Mind-boggling.

I LOVED the final round of the US Open. Despite my semi-prodigious golfing skill (when you compare me to the golfing public at large), I enjoy seeing the pro's really have to work hard to make par, to see them struggle like Joe Average. It helps us yell at the TV "you see, now you know what it feels like". To see the pros shoot high numbers and fight to make par binds us all by encouraging us to empathize with each others' struggle, and to show that they, like us, are human and can be pummelled by a course. I felt bad for Jason Gore, but he'll gain a few endorsements because of his showing, I think. Little extra lettuce in the salad bowl.

ON a final, and personal note, my beautiful wife is a great cook. It's a struggle to keep my waistline below 32, even at my advanced age. And she makes a mean bowl of chili. But this time, she added chipotle peppers to the mix. Oh man, those mofo's are HOT. This time, and she'll find out later in the evening, the term "mean chili" will take on a whole new definition...

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