
Conference Call Diaries

Celebrity Gossip Time! WOO WOO!

Kelly Osbourne enters rehab! Like, this is a surprise?!
Russell Crowe arrested for assault! Like, this is a surprise?!
Okay, enough stupid shit...

Medical Marijuana...
According to USA Today, that bastion of staunch journalism, the Supreme Court's ruled Monday that state medical marijuana laws do not protect thousands of medical-marijuana users from federal prosecution. Hehe. Here's an interesting subject. Do we allow people with "incredibly painful debilatating conditions" to use marijuana to ease their suffering? What makes pot different from, say Vidodin, other than the fact that Bret Fav-ruh was never addicted to it? Comments reflect the concern Monday of medical-marijuana users who said the court's 6-3 decision had left them with a difficult choice: Break the law in order to take a drug that makes life tolerable, or give up marijuana and be miserable. Hmmm. I'm kind of torn on this front, mostly because I think there is a TON of opportunities for this to become an abuse of the system - "gee doc, i got dis hangnail, ya think ya can perscribe some weed fer me?". And I guess I'm mostly clueless on the "why do they need marijuana when we have plenty of pain killers?". Is medical technology so bad that we have to use illegal drugs to supplant our available options? I'm sorry, not a fan...

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