
The '06 War?

An Israeli blogger is claiming that a well placed source says Israel will declare war tonight. Well, won't that be interesting.

In particular, if Israel calls a spade a spade and declares war on Syria (rather than on Hamas/Hezbollah or Lebanon), the world's attention will turn to the US and Iran. The declaration of war against Syria explicitly represents a step in President Bush's GWOT analysis: those who harbor terrorists will be treated as terrorists themselves. Syria will suffer the consequences of its use of terror proxies. Now what of Big Brother Iran?

Neither Syria or Iran want a war, but Israel has been pushed too far and has lost appetite for Sharon's strategy of a unilateral peace process. Syria and Iran evidently feel Olmert does not have the stomach for this, but they maybe very wrong.

The US has a different problem, but probably has some room to finesse a bit. Israel can kick Syria's ass by itself and the US war machine on Iran's western border will keep the nut job Abamnjahewhatever in line. A thorough whomping of Syria will continue to knock a little more sense into the Middle East. And, at some point, the people of Syria, Palestine and Lebanon will get sick of this crap and start supporting responsible leaders. (One can dream.)

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