
Taking a deep breath...

Movie Tie-Ins...

"I'm sorry, your son is dead because he was stupid". Top Gun Noteworthy quote from the article: "I have seen a lot of horseplay over the past years, but I think this is the first time I have ever seen somebody playing paintball at 75 mph," patrol Lt. Pete Norwood said.

"God got his periods reversed, he's only nice for 3 days a month". Purple Rain So Ed Carpenter says that Danica Patrick would do well in NASCAR because she'll trade paint and be agressive while she's on the rag. What an incredibly freekin' STUPID thing to say!


OMGAWD, I laughed my ASS off when I saw that video of Castro's assasination!

Materazzi might not be a racist, but what is definitely IS is an asshole thug who plays dirty soccer.

Moral Equivalence...what a nice debate. It strikes me that Sara is one of those people who are standing in their antiseptic bubble with no germs or terrorists affecting her, criticizing others in their attempt to make the world a safe place. Tim Robbins, Sean Penn, Susan Sarandon, Richard Geke - just a few of the more notable people who, in the last several years, have expressed their opinion that we not strike out and turn the other cheek. Only people like Sara and those "hollywoodies" are directly affected by the rampant death of the terrorist agenda will they possibly consider changing their tune. I'd like to see where she derives her statement that the US has become a "terror state". See, I cannot understand people like her who whine about "we need to explore peace" seemingly without a full understanding of terrorist people and their goals. You can see from Tilam's second post how well "peace" has worked between the Israelis and Syrians. They simply do NOT understand anything but violence and death. That is their language. That is the verbiage they understand. Do people not see this? You cannot reason with these people. Better yet, in order to help Sara understand more about terrorist assholes, let's try this exercise...during a debate/discussion with Sara, while she is talking and explaining her point, PUNCH HER IN THE FACE. When she gets up and gets all mad, you say "WAIT! The solution to terror is not to become a terror state yourself, so you must go the peaceful route". When she settles down, and begins to speak again, PUNCH HER IN THE FACE AGAIN! When she gets up REALLY pissed now, repeat your original statement about turning the other cheek and resolving your difference of opinions via peaceful means. Try this ONE MORE TIME and see what the "peaceful" people do. They will probably jump your ass and try to pound it into the ground. This might be a valuable lesson in "dealing with violent assholes". They just don't listen to reason, all they understand is fear and violence. I don't believe it is a question of morality - it is a question of ideology, and theirs is one of violence and death - Tilam's statement about a "baseline" of morality is true, but ultimately this baseline is set by religious ideology, and will differ region/culture to culture.

I understand her concerns that countries like the US don't go TOO far over to the dark side, but remember, terrorists are types of people you need to take out of the equation BEFORE THEY KILL SOMEONE! It is easy for her to sit on her ass and smile at how wonderful the world is until someone close to her gets whacked; then see how the tune changes. And the ONLY silver lining (and I hate to say this) of the propogation of terrorism across the world is the simple fact that OTHER countries are beginning to feel the pain and recognize that this is a serious situation that needs to be nipped in the bud - how can you explain to a bereaved parent or sibling that their loved one is dead because you decided to wait around until something happened? This is no longer a problem of people targeting the US only, this is becoming an epidemic of assholes killing people around the world. It is quickly becoming a global problem. But ultimately, morality is a direct result ideology, frankly - the morality of killing innocent people is justified by the ideology of "them being not us" and needing to die (I won't even go into the "kill a buncha americans and you will die in the arms of 40 vestal virgins")...

People like Sara are effective at simplifying this type of discussion...but it is simple by any means...

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