
No Mas Hamas Redux

In looking over the last post, I am pretty sure that I did not explain my first sentence. How it is the best possible outcome?

Basically, reality wins and now Hamas and the West will have to face the reality of the choice of Hamas as the governing party. It also exposes the power of democracy: the "peaceful" ascendance of a non-peaceful party. How much the tyrannies of the Middle East will learn is debatable, but it certainly has made an (continued) impression on the masses. Now what happens if Hamas reverts to dictatorship? Simply put, Hamas cannot hide.

I am less concerned about the Palestinian-Israeli relations. Hamas is no match for the IDF and if they continue to misbehave, the Israelis will smack them down. Sharon (late, but to his credit) correctly decided to implement his version of peace based on the reality of the eventual (two-state) outcome. Certainly 2005 was the right time to do this under Israel's terms. It is unclear that the near future would offer that opportunity.

This is definitely the "dog catches the car" moment for Hamas. Oh shit, now what do I do?

UPDATE: One interesting dynamic here is that the Palestinians will hopefully see the consequences of their actions. The apologists in the West have been doing everything they can to avoid this, but now there should be no option. They have been behaving like petulant children in desperate need of adult supervision (the Palestinians, not the Western apologists...wait, nevermind) and now it is time to grow up. You want a nation and respect? Earn it.

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