
The things you thought you knew about people...

I must be cut from a different mold...

suicide, in my opinion, is the way of the lazy and speaks of cowardice. And I forgive Tilam his ignorance, since there is much he does not know about my friend's sister's situation; heck, there is much *I* do not know about it.

But my post was a global post, not a post specific to this situation. "Jane Doe" had financial troubles, but she also had the love and support of her children and husband, and she was a stay at home mom, so financial troubles can be held at bay were she to get a job. Her life was a shambles many years ago but she met this man and things turned around for her. There are many ways to overcome financial difficulties, suicide is NOT one of them. As a matter of fact, her family would have been WORSE OFF after her death because I don't believe insurance companies pay benefits in the event of a suicide, at least not the last I heard.

My question goes to this...how low must one go before one considers taking your own life as an option? Teens do it all too often, many adults do it as well. I'm the eternal optimist, I'm always thinking there is some way out of many situations. Addicted to drugs? Get in a program. Financial troubles? Get some advice, even from a friend, and consolidation loans. Get up off your lazy butt and face the problem, don't run and hide. The ONLY situation I can see is euthanasia, assisted suicide for the terminally ill and wracked in pain. THEN I would consider it. But to "end my life's pain" and leave nothing but the SAME (financial) problems on my family after my death (and add to it my funeral costs? start digging a hole in the yard honey), not to mention hears of grief and sadness and possibly therapy, only exponentially compounds the problems left to the people who stood by and loved my, while supposedly ending them.

This is a side to Tilam that I never knew, this opinion about suicide. I must admit I'm somewhat taken aback. And to his post I ask THIS question: "do you think your family would rather have you and troubles, or just troubles? do you think your kids would give a damm about "creditors" if their daddy wasn't around? what about Mrs Tilam, do you think that she'd be able to go it alone if you offed yourself and the insurance benefit was exactly $ZERO?" The Thew brood would rather have a destitute and poor father around than no father at all...

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