
The Wisdom of William S.

Hamlet had the best reflection on suicide EVER.

...[A]nd by a sleep to say we end
The heartache, and the thousand natural shocks
That flesh is heir to. 'Tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wished...

There are many thing I did not understand in my youth, that I understand (better) now. Suicide is one.

Financial troubles steal your soul of hope. The constant calls from creditors (day and night), the tears of your spouse, depriving your children, the guilt of buying a cup of Starbucks coffee. The despair is pervasive. It is with you every waking minute and when you dream. There is simply no escape.

And then comes the realization that there are $3.5 million reasons your family would be better off without you. And your job is to make it look like an accident. Yes, I understand very clearly what might cause Thew's friend to think the unthinkable.

We will all die, why not now?

Suicide may be a selfish act, but maybe the idea that you simply want to see your kids grow up and are willing to make everyone continue to suffer for this right is selfish too.

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