

Well, it's been a while but I'm back. Thew called me last week and told me I was slacking on the Blog! LOL!!!

Having a new puppy is a LOT of work. My life revolves around when is she GOING to poop and when did she LAST poop! Oh and making sure she doesn't poop IN the house!

Let's see I'll try to catch up.

Top 10 Places I Would Love to Visit.
In no particual order other than Ireland. That will be the first place I go.
1. Ireland
2. Japan
3. Scotland
4. Hawaii
5. Paris
6. New Zeeland
7. Greece
8. Italy
9. Egypt
10. Africa

Top 10 Driving Moves (that drive me crazy?)
1. Failure to merge. The concept seems to be lost on most drivers. Here is a helpful tip, if you are ALREADY on the freeway and are driving in the right hand lane, your job is to make room for those drivers who are entering the freeway. Your job is NOT to speed up and cut them off. Learn to merge!
2. Tailgating. Dude if I could go faster I would, but sitting on my butt is not going to make the person in front of me go any faster. Oh and if we're on the freeway, traffic is heavy, and I cannot move to another lane to let you get one more car length ahead and you sit on my butt....fair warning...I'm gonna slow down. WAAAAAYYYY down. I just want to see if I can get your frustration level so high that your head will explode!
3. People who do not realize that on a 2 lane highway, the left lane is for passing and the right lane is for driving. If you're in the left lane and just putzing along, you're an idiot and your gene pool should be wiped from the face of the planet.
4. Pulling out of a side street in front of me then not accelerating to at LEAST my current rate of speed. If you're going to pull out in front of me, then have the decency to speed up because someday you're going to pull out in front of some idiot who is not paying attention and they'll smash you to bits. Hmmmm.....
5. Honking at me right when the light turns green. Dude, seriously. The light JUST changed. If you're in that much of a hurry go home and invent a teleportation device and make all our lives better.
6. Take a year and a 1/2 to make a right hand turn. Meanwhile I get to actually come to a complete stop waiting for you to navigate through that tricky right hand turn, while some yahoo behind me honks his or her horn. Turn the freakin corner!
7. Not moving over out of a lane that is about to end due to construction. Let me just say this, if you sit in that lane and wait till you actually get all the way up to the flashing arrow to make your move over to the lane I've been in all along, I am NOT going to let you over. As far as I'm concerned, you can sit there all day cuz you're a dirt bag who should have done what the rest of the intelligent drivers did, got over when we saw the HUGE flashing arrow and the 53 signs telling us the lane was ending up ahead!!!
8. Stopping on an entrance ramp to the freeway. If there is no stop light, stop sign or any other indication that you should stop, then don't. If you're too timid to accelerate and merge into freeway traffic, then stick to the surface streets and leave the freeways to the rest of us who actually want to get to our destination before our next birthday.
9. Gawkers aka Rubberneckers. Oh my god! Could you be any nosier! I've talked about this before but this drives me up the freakin wall. It's an accident or it's some poor soul whose car has broken down. What is it NOT is an excuse for you to get your daily dose of reality TV. Move!!!!!
10. Smokers. Ok these have got to be the SLOWEST drivers on the planet. Have you ever gotten behind a car that was moving really slow and wondered what in the world is going on? When you pass them turn your head a little and take a little peak at the driver. I bet you he or she is a smoker. And if he or she is smoking and talking on the phone at the same time, get the hell out of their way. That is just an accident waiting to happen.

I think I'm caught up now!!!

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