
Around the Political Horn

Now that sports are done (for now), let's see what is going on in the political world. (The answer is, alot, but these are the things that interest me, and allow me another excuse to show a picture of a congressional staffer.)

Democrat Candidates. Like it or not, Hillary is lapping the field. Obama v1.0 is showing his inexperience with answers like, "Of course, I will meet (and legitimize) every petty despot in the world." Now I believe in diplomacy as well as the next guy, but you really need a negotiating partner who makes a good faith effort to come to terms and honor its agreement. Obama, I have two words for you: Neville Chamberlain. Don't be fooled.

John Kerry. Has there been a more disgraceful representative of the Commonwealth? While most analyst agree that the bloodshed in Iraq will get significantly worse if the US leaves, the great Senator compares those forecasts with the concern with about pulling out of Vietnam: "We heard that argument over and over again about the bloodbath that would engulf the entire Southeast Asia, and it didn't happen."

It didn't happen. 1-2 million Cambodians dead at the hands of Pol Pot, 100Ks of Vietnamese and Laotians shipped to "reeducation" camps. All Neo-Con propaganda. Nope. Did. Not. Happen. I think we are seeing the Democrats strategy for the aftermath of a US withdrawal.

Eliot Spitzer. To any objective observer, the guy has been a total shithead thug for years. Bullying innocent, but high profile, targets to extort ransom from their corporations. Did he ever land a big fish? Usually, his vehicle of choice were anonymous leaks of exagerated claims or outright lies. Now, he has been caught. Freud called this behavior "projection."

Fred Thompson. Readers know I am a Thompson fan, but enough already. Shit or get off the pot. Declare or say no. Fred, you are starting to look like an ego-maniac more concerned with the attention then service.

Democratic Congress. After riding into town on a wave of public discontent with the way Republicans were behaving, they proceed to take this as an indictaor that the public wants them to behave even worse. More pandering to special interests, MORE pork (I hardly thought that possible), more socialized Medicine (the lesson of HillaryCare: keep things secret!) and more anti-Bush rhetoric. Governing? Let's see...nope, to paraphrase Senator Kerry, it ain't gonna happen.

The result: lower approval ratings then the President! I hardly thought THAT possible!

Work calls...

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