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Peggy Noonan's column in today's WSJ. My response to her:

Ms. Noonan,

While I am big fan of your writing and opinions, I find myself surprised by your rhetorical sleight of hand. How can you say, “[e]veryone who has written in defense of Mrs. Schiavo's right to live has received e-mail blasts full of attacks that appear to have been dictated by the unstable and typed by the unhinged.” Yet turn around and refer to those who disagree with you as “in love with death?” You point to a remark by Michael Schiavo, but if anyone has had to endure “unhinged” personal attacks its Mr. Schiavo.

Many Conservatives feel as you do, that Mrs. Schiavo’s life is worth saving no matter what. But there are also Conservatives, such as myself, that believe that a bad outcome has resulted from a legal process that has been thorough, fair and extensively reviewed, and we must respect that process and result. As I type these words, I imagine how cold this must sound. But to call it “unstable” or “unhinged” is unfair. I am not “in love with death.”

I have been surprised at how fast many Conservatives have abandoned principles of federalism and the sanctity of marriage because of this case. Mind you, I am not saying there are not arguably valid reasons for your position, but the speed was breathtaking. Personal principle trumped political principle.

Liberals have used the courts to achieve outcomes to their liking for years. I passionately oppose such actions. But I can’t recall the Democrats ever using Congress to demand the courts try and achieve an outcome to their liking. By all means, let’s address the issues raised in Terry Schiavo’s case. I support a “err on the side of life” policy broadly applied. But singling out Mrs. Schiavo, as heartbreaking as her situation is, is the wrong way to do it.

I fear Mrs. Schiavo will die because of our political principles. In a manner, she joins the thousands of other men and women who have died (willing or not, tragically or heroically) and will die for our political principles. This is heartless, but no more so then a soldier fighting for democracy, freedom and the rule of law.


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