
Running and Lifting

Lifting is fun and is something a do as part of my workout schedule (the other thing is swimming). But I am not worried about getting big, I am trying to stay "cut." ("Cut" is in quotes because it is generally a losing cause.) Being cut requires you to burn the fat IN ADDITION to building the muscle mass, so I run a couple of times a week and swim on Sunday mornings to try and do that. (Then promptly have that #2 Combo Meal at Wendy's...with a Diet Coke.)

I took a three month hiatus from lifting and just got back into it (can you say "sore for three days?). I like lifting because of the feeling in your muscles post workout, where it feels like you are going to bust out of your skin.

Biking is also great exercise and is something I do during the summer, but it does take a bit of time, which is a precious commodity. I have a great bike (an older model of this) and a great route over a mountain and around a reservoir.

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