
The slippery slope of Roe v Wade

Okay, so I'll chat a bit about this.

It might make sense to conservatives and religious right wingers to lump abortion into the bucket of heinous crimes, but I think it's more complicated than that. So let's throw some stuff out into the primordial soup of the Tilam blog...

Legalize Abortion - the woman has domain over her body, she chooses her actions, and after all is said and done, she is held accountable, either by God or no one should we just to the dirt nap when the ride is over. She can listen to the doctor, weigh the risks, then hopefully make an informed decision about her course of action. But again, she holds sway and control over herself, her body, and her destiny.

Overturn it and contest it - hmm, here is where the slippery slope causes some heartache. Okay, so abortion is illegal. Let's enter ONE of the many situations where this becomes a difficult topic.

Rape is a horrible enough crime. What if a woman gets pregnant as a result of this violent act? Are you going to FORCE her to have a child because abortion is illegal? Bear the child of a rapist criminal, who could be on drugs or crazy or worse? A child changes everything, anyone who is a parent knows that. Artificially imposing parenthood on someone who has just undergone a horrendous emotion (and physical) event is not a good thing, not to mention the daily reminder to the poor woman of the result of her rapist - something who will look into her eyes every day for the rest of her own life.

Okay so in special cases of rape, you can have an abortion. How many cases of rape do you think will be reported as a result? Don't you think that rape will become the new birth control? "Oh doc, I was raped, I need an abortion". Miss Jones will claim rape rather than admit that Mr Smith got her knocked up during a night of drunken wild sex (which is a good thing but you get my point). So she goes to her doctor and says "I was raped, I need an abortion". Quick abortion, DNC, done. Ready made birth control. BUT, what does the doctor do? If he hears that Miss Jones was raped, does he report it to the local authorities? If he does, Mr Smith will be pulled and testing done and BAM, they'll find out that he's the father and the rapist. But wait, he isn't the rapist, he's just the sperm donor. Does he do time because he's fingered as the rapist? Or does Miss Jones relent and admit she's pregnant because she's stupid. That creates bad blood and the relationship goes south and next thing you know there's another unwed mother in the world.

Bottom line, unless the federal or state authorities can account for EVERY permutation of the many loopholes of overturning Roe v Wade and possibly making abortion illegal (or something close), then you might as well just leave it as it is. Because as you have seen many times in the past, the government should not get too involved in personal issues like this, and cannot without creating a SNAFU the size of the Grand Canyon.

Gearing up for a flaming post from Tilam...

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