
...But DOPEY made you write that blog!

Hoo Hoo, thanks for my Monday morning laugh...

That discussion is concise and on the mark until your last statement. "...the important part is that we all are made to play by them..."

In the words of Johnny Mac, "YOU CAN'T BE SERIOUS!". We do NOT all play by the same rules, the legal field is NOT level by any means! The rich and the popular and the famous and the beautiful people do NOT play in the same STATE as we do. How do you explain atheletes who play in the next game even after comitting a crime (Lewis was caught arranging a drug deal, Furcal was caught on a DUI). And don't even get me started on Michael Jackson, that guy is afforded EVERY courtesy and benefit of the doubt because of his status; any other child molester (err, accused child molester) would NOT have gotten the silk glove treatment (pardon the pun) like this guy. The bottom line is that Mr John Q Public plays on one field, and the rich and famous people play on another, be they atheletes, movie stars, etc. Wow, you can't actually believe that we all get the same treatment in the US Justice system, do you? That's as scary as your contention that Jessica Simpson is very intelligent!

On another, actually surprising note, Brad and Jennifer are calling it quits...I'm genuinely disappointed, I like both of them. But personally, I'm targeting Rebecca Romijn as my celebrity crush, she's just awesome!

There's another "Bachelorette". Why should we care? Her engagement to Andrew Firestone ended after one of "the Bachelor" shows, what makes us think (or even care) that she's going to "find her soul mate" this time. Sheesh, enuf already. And to you people who enjoy watching this stuff - GET A LIFE!

Time to bask in the limelight...

Oh the phone I predicted that Jake Plummer wouldn't go anywhere in the playoffs this year. Score one for Thew.

Mmmm, this crow tastes good...

I disparaged my beloved Vikings, and they promptly went out and proved me wrong. Their prize? A date in Philly. Ick.

VIJAY LOST! Good. VIJAY CHOKED! Better. Tiger finished tied for 3rd, and excellent beginning to his comeback year.

Work beckons, gotta jet...

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