
Things I Never Thought Could Happen

I can't believe it, but I find myself agreeing completely with Oliver Willis. For those of you not into political blogs, Oliver is a vocal liberal and very anti-Bush. I don't recall anything he has written that hasn't made my skin crawl.

But he leaves out a very important point in his clarification - OBL firmly believes that if you are not a fundamentalist Muslim, you should be dead. Period. End of story. No room for compromise, no room for negotiation, no room to address "why do they hate us so." Until he is dead - until his top lieutenants are dead - he will continue to kill innocent people. Because to him NOONE IS INNOCENT. We are all guilty of heresy and crimes against Allah because of our mere existence. We are animals and have no more right to life that a mongrel dog. That is his view.

Get him, Mr. President, whatever it takes.

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