
I Should Just Let it Go...

but I can't.

Sandberg - BA:.285 OBP:.344 SLG:.452 First Time Votes: 393
Strawberry - BA:.259 OBP:.307 SLG:.505 First Time Votes: 6

Sure, you can cut stats every which way, but c'mon. Allow me to give some perspective. I think Pete Rose should be in the HoF. I think Joe Jackson (BA:.356 OBP:.423 SLG:.517) should be in the HoF. No questions asked. Is the Hall the compilation of the greatest players or a popularity contest? Are we establishing a morals clause for admission?

If so, Ty Cobb - GONE. The Old Timers would lose half the membership. Barry Bonds? You need not apply. Would he have racked up those number if he were not juiced?

And here are all the inductees for the past 7 years:

Wade Boggs, Ryne Sandberg, Paul Molitor, Dennis Eckersley, Eddie Murray, Gary Carter, Ozzie Smith, Dave Winfield, Kirby Puckett, Carlton Fisk, Tony Perez, Nolan Ryan, George Brett, Robin Yount, Fourteen players. 4 blacks and 1 Hispanic and 9 whites. (What are you saying? Nothing. I report, you draw your own conclusions.)

BTW, CNN had a story the other day on "the most beautiful woman in the world" - Aishwarya Rai. (What! Not Mrs. Tilam? Clearly an oversight on CNN's part.) Now, that sort of designation is sure to spark some level of interest. It seems Ms. Rai, who is Indian, wants to start a film career in the US, but is forbidden to even kiss on screen by Indian tradition.

Hmmm. I figure that unless she can act like Meryl Streep (unlikely) or is content to roles that only require her to say, "Sir, you understand you get a free Slurpie with a fill-up of eight gallons or more" (also unlikely), the only chance of box office success is the vicarious thrill the 18 - 28 year old male crowd (Okay, maybe 78) will get from watching her get it on.

So some free advice Ms. Rai, there is plenty of eye candy (Paz Vega seems to be a recent favorite) available on screen, so you better be able to act - and you better be willing to lose the accent and the clothes. Otherwise, you would be well served to stay in Bollywood.

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