

My rantings are validated!

On to the good stuff now though.

Drop it like a bad habit...

Straw-man was all hype. He was a good player on a team of good players, but he was surrounded by others who were at least as good, and had that supporting cast. Ryno did it all for the Cubbies, who was there to support him? Okay, Andre Dawson for a while, but Strawberry had a cast of good players around him to assist, Ryno did not. Shed your last tear Tilam, your next one for UCONN, who got schooled by BC. The HoF should be about PLAYERS, not people. But, in this day and age of "feeling good", it's not - now, they give a damm about the person - Strawman? Coke addict. Rose? He *gasp* bet on baseball. Is it right? Nope. The HoF should be about what happened between the foul lines, not what happened outside the stadium. The list of people who were less than moral in their conduct would, as you correctly state, encompass about half the current inductees. Oh, and NO racism here. Don't start that. Don't even give a little spark to a flame. Because if you say BLACK, you need to break down the white populace. Carter is a Brit? Fisk is a Scot? Hey, where are the Irishmen? WHY AREN'T THERE ANY UZBEKHISTANI'S IN THE HALL OF FAME. Enough, don't start me on blaming race for any of this. I'm a bit disappointed that you even flic'd that bic.

Ms Rai is clearly an incredibly beautiful woman. The MOST beautiful woman in the world? Hmmm, that's pretty subjective. Personally, I'd like to wrap her up in a little mazola corn oil and put THAT next to Jessica Simpson in crisco; sorry guys, that's "flip a coin city". Of course, as Tilam has stated, that's a no contest because of his claim that Jessica Simpson is in reality a brilliant young woman who "plays the dumb blonde" for pub and whatever else. Hmm, SOMEONE GIVE HER AN OSCAR, she's truly a master at her craft. PUHLEEZE, she's stupider than a stump, but MOG, she's gorgeous. But Ms Rai needs bigger boobs anyway, those little things aren't gonna fly. Paz Vega is a Penelope Cruz lookalike, that's her major plug so far. Give me Diane Lane, she'll do on a cold winter night. Wait, or Mrs Thew. Oh man, I'm in the doghouse again...

The insanity case is like aspirin - you can use it for a multitude of offenses. It's the cure all. I have a comment on Tilam's excellent question to Jeff - as a society the most heinous of crimes simply cannot be committed by sane people, we as a whole cling to that, and so it makes the insanity defense more palatable by the bleeding heart juries. I wonder, if I got caught j-walking could I use the temporary insanity defense? "OMG officer, you've GOT to believe, I was so eager to get across the street that my faculties simply took a lunch break, and I just HAD to run here, not using the crosswalk. I just couldn't think straight, it was an out of body urgency to cross the street!" The insanity defense seems to be the ONLY acceptable reason for some of these crimes that are committed by someone who a) seems completely normal, or b) are a little troubled but just COULDN'T commit that kind of crime. We do not understand nor do we wish to understand the depths of human depravity, and therefore we accept insanity almost eagerly, absolving people of their shortcomings. This is for another day though...

I would take issue with that Jeckyll and Hyde approach, as stated in the Dahmer case. Okay, so you're either Jeckyll or Hyde. Fair enough. But a TEMPORARY Hyde is one thing, as in the case of Yates, but a FULLTIME Hyde is different, as in the case of Dahmer? I'm sorry, I might be ignorant, but that's hypocritical to me. I'm sure that Tilam will edumacate me on this.

As an outside observer, I have to examine what is told about the case and draw my own conclusions, many times based on a subset of the whole of information known. I have to trust that people do their jobs and the at the court system does its job. If she is overturned, get a new trial and see what happens. Do it right, then count the eggs in the basket.

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