
911 Remembered

I got up for work this morning and went about my usual morning routine. Get up 30 minutes BEFORE the alarm to pee, then crawl back into bed only to have the alarm JOLT me awake moments later. Stumble down the stairs seeking coffee, stubbing my toe on the ottoman that has been in that same spot since I've lived in my house.

Once coffee is brewing I hobble down the back hallway to turn off the alarm, make my way back to the kitchen and stare bleary eyed as the coffee slowly drips into the pot. This is as much as I'm capable of at this point in my morning.

With my full coffee cup in hand I head back upstairs to check email, play a little WOW, listen to the radio and slowly let the coffee fumes clear away the sleep from my head.

I listen to the same radio station every morning. And every morning since 9-11-01, at 7:30 a.m., someone recites the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a patriotic song. This morning was different. This morning they reminded me it was 911. I had forgotten.

The DJ's talked about their memories of that day, and when 7:30 rolled around, they had the Captian from a local firehouse recite the Pledge, and, for the first time since that fateful morning, I stood, placed my hand over my heart, and remembered. In his words I heard pride, sadness, resolve and patriotism.

As he spoke the last words of the pledge the opening strains of a song started. As the lyrics "Little did she know she'd kissed a hero...", played I remembered the faces from that day. The ones covered in dust with a look of utter shock, the ones contorted in fear, the ones torn by grief, the ones standing steeley eyed and brave as they looked for survivors. How could I have forgotten? How could any of us EVER forget?

Today we remember what it is to be an American. It's a priviledge and it takes work. Freedom is never "free". We defend it with our dearest blood, we cherish it with every free breath we take, and, when threatened, we come together as one to push back the darkness with the light of our conviction shining brightly for our enemies to see. And in one voice we stand together and say "I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America. And to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

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