
My Turn...Top 10 Action Sequences

Woot...sounds like an owl coming.

Anyway, in no particular order:

Matrix - Morpheus' Rescue. The scene in the lobby just typifies all the great action in the Matrix.
French Connection - Car Chase. C'mon, it is one of the grandaddies of car chases along with Bullitt.
Casino Royale - Lot's of Bond to pick from, but I really like the opening in the latest.
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon - Ditto on Thew's sentiment.
Kill Bill Vol. 1 - House of Blue Leaves, but lots to pick from.
LOTR - I loved Helms' Deep, but the Battle of Pelennor Fields (Minas Tirith) is a huge sentimental favorite...and Legolas is just fabulous.
Saving Private Ryan - D-Day, just jaw dropping.
Star Wars - I echo Tdub in that the destruction of the first Death Star was, for the time, really impressive, but the destruction of the second Death Star is my favorite of the original trilogy.
Gladiator - The opening scene is great, but the first gladiator fight in the arena is my favorite.
Apocalypse Now - The helicopter assault on the beach was and is a classic scene.

The are some others I really liked, such as the final scene in The Professional. My introduction to Jean Reno...and Natalie Portman. The Die Hard series has many great scenes. The car chase scene in Ronin almost knocked off the French Connection. Finally, Raiders of the Lost Ark is just one big, great action sequence.

But hard to argue with any of the postings.

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