
Does Tdub Hate Titles?

Okay, we will let the TV characters slide this time... What, no Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman???

I was curious about Tdub's response because I did not have any females in my Top 10 list. And Thew only had one. Hmmmmm. I really think it is because the characteristics I have been brought up to admire - strength, courage, chivalry - are "male" strengths. The (non-physical) traits that I have been taught to admire in women - sensitivity, selflessness - are good, but no one will ever utter the phrase, "that Tilam, he is so sensitive... ." And I will never lose sleep over that.

Darth Vader - A New Hope. Only in the original was he just pure evil. He was castrated by the end of ROTJ.
General Maximus Decimus Meridius - Gladiator. Manly virtue in centurion armor.
Judah Ben-Hur - Ben Hur. Businessman and charioteer.
Irwin Fletcher - Fletch. "Can I borrow that towel?"
Bond, James Bond - Casino Royale. Connery, Craig, maybe even Brosnan. But that is it...
Dr. Henry "Indiana" Jones - Raiders of the Lost Ark. "Snakes, why does always have to be snakes."
Det. John McClane - Die Hard. The character fit the actor to a "t".
Insp. Harry Callahan - Dirty Harry. Can't agree with Thew more.
Donkey - Shrek. There is no character that epitomizes the wise cracking sidekick like Donkey.
Roy Batty - Blade Runner. Struggled with his humanity to the end and finally faced with death, could not kill another being.

Odd that three of the movies feature Harrison Ford.


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