
Traffic - don't even get me started...

It's been proven time and time again by empirical evidence; the average human, who's intelligence and common sense have been declining ever since the "me" generation focus of 10/15 years ago started, becomes akin to that of a turnip when they get behind the wheel of an automobile.

Rubber Neckers - jamming on the brakes just to see a minor accident on the OTHER SIDE of the highway.
Darwinian Failures - people who drive 55 in the left hand lane - they need to just be run over with monster truck to create a lane for those of us who drive normally.
Blue Hairs - people (and in this state there are a jillion of these idiots) who actually OBEY the 25 mph speed limit on back roads. I was behind someone who was actually doing 22 mph.
GPS challenged - people who take the same damm route day after day, month after month, yet get sufficiently lost or stupid and end up 3 lanes over from their exit at the last frikken second - so they choose 1 of 2 actions: they stop and wait for an opening, thus creating a traffic jam, or they just cut over, causing those people in the other lanes to jam on the breaks to avoid their stupidity, thus creating a traffic jam.

People behind the wheel of a car are fucking stupid. Mrs Thew continues to wonder why I road rage, but my loverly wifey-poo works from a home office, she has NO commute. Drive the miles in my shoes honey, then look at me, nod, and say "ok, I get it now".

Why do we like reality shows?
Because, like traffic gawkers, we love a train wreck. We watch Jerry Springer, Surreal Life, MTV's Real Life, etc, because we want to see people that are more fucked up than we are. We feel better by stroking our egos by watching TV programs that show people who have more problems than we do, it makes us feel more normal. We are so neurotic these days as a whole that it's become so difficult to life ourselves up we prefer to see others fall down to feel good. Pathetic, but welcome to life...

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