
I need to vent

So, I'm on my way to work and I hit traffic. I know, not such an unusual occurance, but I can't figure out WHY we're backed up and I'm late for work. As I crawl along, I finally move up enough to see there is an accident on the OTHER side of the divided roadway. I'm talking the side of the road that is traveling in the opposite direction!

Why are we slowed down, you may wonder? Because of the bloody rubber-neckers! I mean come on! It's an accident for goodness sake and not even a bad one. No smoke, no blood, no one was hurt, but the same mentality that keeps these people tuning into Jerry Springer and reality TV shows has folks slowing down to wallow in someone elses misery.

In case you haven't picked up on it yet, I uncatagorically despise reality television. I think it panders to the lowest level of intellect and requires little or no imagination on the part of network programming executives. "Oh you have a show where some yokle is going to swap wives with a simpering yuppy? Great! People will tune in just to watch the emotional wreckage!"

Yes, this is what American television is doing to our brains. It is making us a nation of gawkers, the worst sort, who revel in the misery of others and think silently in their pea-sized brains "there but for the grace of God...."

Ok, I feel better now. Vent off!

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