
I remember a time when.....

I've been away for a little while. Not physically away, but emotionally pre-occupired with a new puppy who has come to share my home. The last week has been consumed with feeding schedules, potty schedules and watching this little bundle of fur to make sure she doesn't "piddle" where shes not supposed to. But I'm back to work, trying to get back into the swing of my life, and realizing how truly great it is to have a little one at home who thinks I'm the greatest in the world.

Anyway, my responses to the Top 10 I posed a while back.

I remember a time when.....
1. Penny candy really did cost a penny.
2. I got 0.25 a week for an allowance and that was a fortune. Mom and Dad would take us up to Sams (a sort of old school walmart) and we could spend our allowance on anything we wanted.
3. The Detroit Tigers won the pennant against the Cardinals. I went to Catholic school, but we got to watch the last game in school missing our last two classes for the day.
4. We were so poor that my Mom, at times, would have to feed us butter and sugar sandwiches. But we didn't know or care cuz we thought it was a treat!
5. One toy box held all the toys for 5 kids. We got toys for birthdays and christmas. That was it!
6. "Dark Shadows" was the most popular daytime soap opera. Who could forget Barnabus Collins?
7. My Mom and Dad took us to the movie theatre to see the new release of the movie "Bambi" I cried!
8. Kids played outside all day, and video games were far off in the distant future.
9. The "Wizard of Oz" was on television and Mom and Dad put us all in our footie pjs, gave us each a bowl of popcorn, and let us stay up late to watch the movie. Wow what a night that was!
10. Kids walked to school alone and unescorted and that was completely normal.

I have to add two more and these are really special memories for me so I wanted to highlight them.

I remember when man walked on the moon for the first time. Sitting on the stairs, having snuck out of bed, to watch Neil Armstrong take that first step was something truly amazing.

I remember the funeral for President Kennedy. I remember seeing John John standing there so bravely as his father's casket passed by he and his family. I remember crying because this poor boy had lost his Daddy, and I remember how very brave he looked on that sad day.

During my childhood, it was still a time of innocence, something that is sadly missing today.

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