
Looking out my back door...

Wow, to name only 10 would be difficult - at age 42 one of the great things about being older, as Tilam stated, was the abundance of memories. Oddly enough, as I get older, the BAD memories seem to fade to be replaced by the good ones, the happy ones, the ones truly worth remembering.

So, as I sit here thinking, I can remember a time when...
  • My older brother was bigger than me - my father too, actually.
  • When playing my favorite music I had to make sure I had it on the right speed; 33 or 45 rpm.
  • I was 6 years old and I could walk to the store or a friend's house and not have a care in the world about any dangerous individuals.
  • I thought my dad was the greatest guy in the world and so larger than life - hell, never mind, I still do.
  • Being married with 3 kids was a "WTF am I thinking" thought!
  • All I ever wanted to do was play soccer and score goals.
  • Bellbottom jeans and Candies were in style - although I only wore the jeans.
  • I was divorced with 2 kids, angry at the world, and never expected to mellow and find a wonderful woman to marry and be happy with.
  • My mother could leave my older brother and I home all summer vacation days, and as long as were weren't dead when she came home, she was happy.
  • I was finally the BMOC - well, Big Man in the Dorm, but I was THE MAN!

So many other random thoughts come to mind - picnics at Squantz Pond & Candlewood Lake, days at the beach at Seaside Park in CT, being a ballboy for Pele and the NY Cosmos, getting my only Hole in One and almost busting my brother's knee after jumping in his arms, being chosen for an all star soccer game at age 11 and travelling to New York then assisting on the winning goal, going went on my first date, breaking up with a girl because she tried to kiss me (yeah, the old horndawg did that), visiting my brother in college and thinking he was so damm (and finally) cool for being a "college guy", stuff like that. So many memories, it's what makes looking back fun, it's what makes our time here on earth worthwhile.

It's not the years in your life, but the life in your years. Although more years in your life is kinda cool too. LOL


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