
Expanding the Family

For so many moons, gentle readers, you have awaited each new post with bated breath, eager for the prose emanating from our keyboards, chomping at the bit to devour the opinions of this most esoteric blog...

But something's been missing...could it be intelligence? fair and unbiased opinions? history lessons for Thew? spelling and grammar checker for Tilam? the scent of a woman?

THAT's IT! The scent of a woman. Words and opinions from the fairer sex! The Vagina Monologues!

So now, without further ado, and hopefully announcing her presence with authority, Tilam and Thew welcome Tdub! Woman of the world. Fresh with a female perspective and completely unshy about sharing them! A SciFi geek (with boobs no less)!

A warm welcome to the newest contributor to Tilam's Blogspot, T-DUB!

1 comment:

Teri said...

Well with a welcome like that lol!!!

Thanks for inviting me to verbally spar with you and provide a more feminine perspective. Of course if you start talking about sports my reply will be something like "huh?"