
Kill All the Lawyers

Eric over at Classical Values (quickly becoming a daily read for me) has a really good post on creating wealth vs. redistributing wealth. As an attorney and having practiced in the "real world" I will say that the vast majority of lawyers I knew were good people trying to help clients.

But I am a creator of wealth by nature which is why I found lawyering professionally unsatisfying.

What struck me about the post, though, is that as I look at and back upon my professional career my closest professional friendships have been creators and my worst professional enemies have been thieves...er, redistributors.

Furthermore, it seems to crystallize my political views also. I care less whether a person had an "-R" or "-D" after their name then whether they are out to tax me more and/or squander my money. Ted Stevens is taking our tax dollars and funnelling it to his family...that is thievery. I don't give a shit that he is Republican. This entitlement attitude of Congress is the one area of real bipartisanship and proof we need term limits.

Finally, EXCELLENT challenge. I will post on this later today.

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