
Is he a Cat Lover?

Vick is up shit's creek.

He has decided to take the "I am not guilty" stance and fight against overwhelming testimony. Vick agreed to plead guilty to the first count of the indictment against him -- that he was part of a conspiracy to operate a dogfighting ring across state lines. BUT, a private source says that Vick will not, in fact, admit to gambling on dog fights and killing the ones who were not "game" but say "well, through some general actions/circumstances, the dogs died". This will be interesting to see...he seems to want to fight and play the victim of circumstance rather than just cut his losses and take his punishment like a "game" man. I think this will ultimately be bad for him in the long run.

Also, Vick has Daddy Dearest. Estranged from Vick but nevertheless speaking from direct experience, says that in 2001 he advised Michael to get out of dogfighting. Interesting stuff in this article, it seems to corraborate (sp?) the testimony of Vick's "homies" and builds a stronger case against Vick himself.

Someone has GOT TO explain to me the bullshit behind Lindsay Lohan spending a whopping 1 day in jail.

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